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Meeting 1 (July 23rd, 2020)

Speakers: Gwen Iacona, Jake Li, Vivian Negron-Ortiz, Mark Pistrang, Anne Frances, and Jon Ambrose. 

Topic: A follow-up to resource prioritization; Regional advocacy opportunities, Federal agency perspectives, NatureServe & the Natural Heritage Network in the Southeast; SEAFWA, RAWA, and Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Southeast. 

Meeting 1 recording

Complete set of slides (PDF)

Resource Prioritization workshop summary (PDF) from Gwen Iacona, Resources for the Future (due to technical difficulties, Gwen’s presentation during the meeting was not recorded). 

Read Renewing the Case for Saving Endangered Plants, written by Jake Li after attending SePPCon 2020 (his presentation on possible advocacy efforts is included in the web weeting recording)

For more information on Species of Greatest Conservation Need, please check out these SePPCon 2020 conference presentation recordings:

Regional and National Conservation Initiatives (Dr. Jon Ambrose, Georgia DNR, Chief of Wildlife Conservation, whose follow-up is included in the web meeting recording)

Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need: Plants in the Southeastern U.S. (Dr. Elizabeth Crisfield and Karen Terwilliger, Strategic Stewardship Initiative)

For additional SePPCon 2020 information, please visit the conference website – from there you can also access the 2020 Conference summary and Presentation recordings.     

Please see the Plant Conservation Resources page for articles and links to relevant organizations.