The Southeastern Plant Conservation Alliance (SE PCA) is committed to facilitating effective and inclusive plant conservation. The Southeastern Partners in Plant Conservation (SePPCon) conferences provide unique opportunities for in-person interactions among diverse conservation partners—gardens, universities, government agencies, Tribal Nations, experts, and students—fostering stronger collaboration and building a connected community for better conservation outcomes across the region and beyond. SePPCon 2024, held October 15-18 at Atlanta Botanical Garden was a resounding success, with over 230 participants from 15 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
An expanded set of pre-conference workshops provided skill-building opportunities to new and returning participants. Atlanta Botanical Garden Conservation & Research staff and the SE PCA, welcomed attendees and set the tone for continuing to address global conservation needs through expanding partnerships and perspectives. Each day of the main conference was launched by keynote speakers, including Dr. Reed Noss, Dr. Kayri Havens, and Dr. Jared Margulies. Seventy-four additional speakers presented on research, new species described, conservation efforts for culturally significant species like rivercane, novel technologies, and database development.
Presentations followed three themes: In situ conservation; Ex situ tools; and Advocacy & planning. State programs credited past SePPCon events and the use of SE PCA resources as inspirations in their progress toward incorporating plants into wildlife action plans. Tribal Nation representatives offered humbling presentations, highlighting cultural practices as a sustainable approach to conservation. Sessions dovetailed with keynote topics, and allowed for exploration of social themes and opportunities for addressing our shared challenges in newer ways. We are humbled by the turn out and are already looking forward to the next SePPCon gathering as our network continues to grow in participation, scope, and impact. What will we accomplish together next?
Complete the post-conference survey.
Access the conference agenda and abstract supplement on the conference web page.